Donate today and your gift will be matched

If you are able to make a donation before midnight, December 31 your gift will be matched by an anonymous donor, doubling the impact of your support for UNICEF's fight against the Silent Emergency of child malnutrition. Please spread the word among your friends and family!

If you are able to make a donation before midnight, December 31 your gift will be matched by an anonymous donor, doubling the impact of your support for UNICEF's fight against the Silent Emergency of child malnutrition. Please spread the word among your friends and family!

If you are able to make a donation before midnight, December 31 your gift will be matched by an anonymous donor, doubling the impact of your support for UNICEF's fight against the Silent Emergency of child malnutrition. Please spread the word among your friends and family! (Sharing the video below is a great way to do it.)


Thank you.